Monday, 7 January 2008

Welcome to my world.

Welcome to my world. A new year, a new day, a new name to blogging as this is my first faltering attempt, although I've been telling myself for some time that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. How great this technology is. Who would have believed 46 years ago, before I'd quite breathed my first breath, that today I'd be able to communicate with the world from the comfort of my arm chair? I hope the communication isn't all one way, however. I hope you, my reading public, are going to communicate back and let me know what you think, tell me where I'm going wrong, or maybe, hopefully what I'm doing right, let me know whether you agree with what I say, but don't be afraid to speak up if you don't. Whether you vote Tory, Labour, Lib Dem, or even if you don't vote at all, everyone has a view they're entitled to express, and I firmly believe you don't get anywhere unless you stand up and be counted.

I often ask myself are ones political views innate or is it really possible to change your colours in mid life? You might have your own ideas. Don't be afraid to let me know. I don't mind telling you that my home life in my younger years, plus my educational establishment were very strict Conservative, from as early as I can remember, when Sir Edward Heath was Prime Minister from 1970-74, and even through the Labour years of Wilson and Callaghan 1974-79. Could I really escape being a Tory myself? It seemed unlikely; particularly since I was resident in a Tory stronghold constituency of Richmond in North Yorkshire, where Sir Timothy Kitson had a huge political majority.

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